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发布时间: 2019-10-18     来源: 生物谷


实际上,我们每天都会被那些从未记录在饮食日志里的额外卡路里诱惑并轰炸着,然而结果就是这些额外的食物会破坏我们的减肥食谱或增加机体的体重;比如如果每隔一张桌子都摆放着糖果的话,办公室可能就会变成饮食战区(diet war zone),银行和干洗店等地方或许也是一样的情况。


最后,我们或许应该退出“吃光光俱乐部”(clean-plate club),不要总是吃完孩子盘子里或碗里的最后一口食物,如果舍不得丢掉的话最好打包,而且更好的办法是,让家中一个并没有节食习惯的人帮你去完成这件事情,这样你就不会被诱惑了。(生物谷Bioon.com)


Are you eating more calories than you think?

You've worked hard to curb mindless eating by not watching TV with a bag of chips in your lap, and you log everything you do eat in your smartphone app. But you could still be taking in more calories than you realize.

The fact is that throughout each day, you're bombarded by sneaky sources of extra calories that never get recorded in that journal of yours. And the result could sabotage your weight-loss diet or add unwanted weight. For instance, your office could be a diet war zone if bowls of candy sit on every other desk. That nibbling adds up, so swear off these caloric pit stops. The same goes for the lollipop bowl at your bank or dry cleaners.......
