Valeritas prices IPO at $10, within the range
Mar 23, 2017
Valeritas Holdings, which markets a disposable device that delivers insulin therapy for Type 2 diabetes, raised $53 million by offering 5.3 million shares at $10, within the range of $9 to $11. Valeritas Holdings plans to list on the Nasdaq under the symbol VLRX. Cowen & Company and Wedbush PacGrow acted as lead managers on the deal.
The article Valeritas prices IPO at $10, within the range originally appeared on IPO investment manager Renaissance Capital's web.
PS: Renaissance Capital, the Renaissance IPO ETF (symbol: IPO) or the Global IPO Fund (symbol: IPOSX) , may have investments in securities of companies mentioned.
Source: NASDAQ
2. 以色列大麻制药公司Therapix Biosciences纳斯达克成功IPO
概要:Therapix Biosciences在纳斯达克IPO发行200万股ADS,发行价为6美元每ADS,其原先预定价位为5-7美元每ADS。Therapix Biosciences是一家以色列大麻制药公司,现阶段公司正在开展两个大麻药物临床试验,分别是处于临床2b期适应症为图雷特氏综合症的THX-TS01和临床1期针对轻度认知障碍的THX-ULD01。
Therapix Biosciences Ltd. Announces Pricing of U.S. InitialPublic Offering and NASDAQ Listing
Mar 22, 2017
Therapix Biosciences Ltd. (NASDAQ:TRPX) (TASE:THXBY), a specialty clinical-stage pharmaceutical company specializing in the development of cannabinoid-based drugs, today announced the pricing of its initial publicoffering in the United States of 2,000,000 American Depository Shares("ADSs"). Each ADS, representing 40 ordinary shares of the Company,is offered at a price to the public of $6.00.
The gross proceeds to Therapix from this offering are expected tobe $12,000,000, prior to deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and other offering expenses. Therapix has granted the underwriters a 45-day optionto purchase up to an additional 300,000 ADSs to cover over-allotments, if any.
Therapix plans to use the net proceeds from the offering to advance the formulation and clinical development efforts for its two lead product candidates, including Phase II clinical trials, and for working capital and other general corporate purposes.
Therapix's ADSs are scheduled to begin trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market on March 22, 2017, under the symbol "TRPX". The offering is expected to close on or about March 27, 2017, subject to customary closing conditions.
Source: PR News Wire
概要:BioClin Therapeutics宣布完成了3000万美元的B轮融资。此轮投资是由Sofinnova Ventures和Ysios Capital领投的,原投资方HealthCap、Life Sciences Partners(LSP)以及TeklaCapital Management继续跟投。BioClin Therapeutics是一家临床阶段药物公司,该公司候选药物B-701是一种靶向FGFR3(成纤维细胞生长因子受体3)的人源单克隆抗体,有成为领域内首个药物(first-in-class)的潜力。该轮融资能够使BioClin扩大使用B-701与多西紫杉醇联合的1b/2期试验,并启动了一项评估B-701联用atezolizumab单抗的1b/2期试验。
BioClin Gets $30M to Back More Bladder Cancer Drug Trials
Mar 22, 2017
BioClin Therapeutics has raised $30 million in funding to move forward with more tests of its experimental treatment for bladder cancer.
New investors Sofinnova Ventures and Ysios Capital led the Series B round of financing for San Ramon, CA-based BioClin. Earlier investors HealthCap, Life Sciences Partners, and Tekla Capital Management also participated in the investment. BioClin says it has now raised a total of $59million from investors.
BioClin’s lead drug candidate, B-701, is a monoclonal antibody developed to target fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3), a protein thatis often mutated in patients with bladder cancer. So far, BioClin has testedits treatment in two Phase 1 clinical trials, one of which studied patients with advanced solid tumors, including bladder cancer.
With the new capital, BioClin says it will test its drug inpatients who have metastatic bladder cancer or metastatic urothelial carcinoma and have either relapsed or failed to respond to first-line cancer treatments.The company says it will also expand a Phase 1b/2 clinical trial evaluating its drug in combination with the chemotherapy docetaxel.
BioClin also plans to start a a Phase 1b/2 trial evaluating itsdrug in combination with atezolizumab (Tecentriq), a Genentech immunotherapy drug that the FDA approved last year to treat the most common form of bladder cancer.
Source: Xconomy
2. 英国新药研发公司Pulmocide 完成3040万美元B轮融资
概要:Pulmocide是一家成立于2013年的英国公司,近日宣布完成了总额为3040万美元的B轮融资,业内知名风险投资机构SROne领投。目前公司有两款拥有自主知识产权的产品,一款叫做PC786的产品能以雾状制剂的形式,被患者吸入呼吸道,治疗呼吸道合胞病毒感染;另一款产品PC945能针对肺部的真菌感染。B轮融资将用于这两款创新化合物到早期临床阶段。Pulmocide公司首席执行官Rapeport博士曾出任葛兰素史克的高级副总裁长达6年,并曾担任“卓越中心”(Centre of Excellence)的呼吸疾病主任。先前,Rapeport博士曾出任一家初创公司Respivert的首席执行官,并帮助它在2010年被强生以近1亿美元的价格收购。
Ex-GSK team raises $30M for respiratory infection trials
Mar 20, 2017
Researchers who worked at GlaxoSmithKline before leading RespiVertto a takeover by Johnson & Johnson have raised $30.4 million (£24.5million) for their latest venture, Pulmocide. The Series B will allow Pulmocideto take inhaled treatments for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and pulmonary aspergillosis through early clinical trials.
New investor SR One, the VC arm of GSK, led the round with the support of backers who helped Pulmocide to its £17 million Series A in 2013,including SV Life Sciences, F-Prime Capital, Johnson & Johnson Innovationand Touchstone Innovations. London, United Kingdom-based Pulmocide has attracted the big name financiers on the strength of its management team andthe potential of the two candidates they have started to develop.
“Pulmocide's core asset is the management team's proprietary expertise in the design of highly potent compounds with extended lung retentiontime and limited systemic exposure. This has enabled the development of two anti-infective drugs for serious diseases of the lung, where an inhaled therapy should deliver the optimal clinical outcome,” SR One Partner Matthew Foy saidin a statement.
Many on the management team, including CEO Garth Rapeport, M.D.and CSO Pete Strong, Ph.D., list stints at GSK on their résumés. Rapeport,Strong and other members of the Pulmocide team subsequently showed they couldturn the expertise in inhaled medicines they accrued at GSK and elsewhere intobiotech success when they set up RespiVert. J&J bought the biotech and itspipeline of programs in COPD, cystic fibrosis and severe asthma in 2010 for an undisclosed sum reported by The Telegraph to be around $100 million.
Source: Fierce Biotech
1. Hologic 16.5亿美元收购Cynosure进军医美界
Hologic (HOLX) Completes Acquisition of Cynosure (CYNO)
Mar 22, 2017
Hologic,Inc. (Nasdaq: HOLX) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Cynosure, Inc., a leader in medical aesthetics systems and technologies, for$66 per share in cash.
"Weare pleased to complete our acquisition of Cynosure, and look forward toworking with Michael Davin and the entire Cynosure team to achieve even greater success in the large, rapidly growing medical aesthetics market," saidSteve MacMillan, Hologic's Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer."Acquiring Cynosure, combined with divesting our blood screening business,fundamentally reshapes our business portfolio and makes us a stronger, faster-growing company."
Thetender offer by a subsidiary of Hologic for all the outstanding shares ofCynosure Class A Common Stock expired as scheduled at midnight ET on March 21,2017. A total of 17,047,830 shares of Cynosure Class A Common Stock,representing approximately 70.6% of Cynosure's outstanding shares, were validly tendered into and not validly withdrawn from the tender offer. As a result,Hologic and its subsidiary have accepted for payment and will promptly pay forall shares that were validly tendered and not validly withdrawn.
Source: Street Insider
Xenon acne drug misses efficacy endpoints in phase 2
Mar 24, 2017
A phase 2trial of Xenon Pharmaceuticals’ acne candidate XEN801 has missed its primary and key secondary efficacy endpoints. The comprehensive failure prompted Xenonto admit the data don’t support continued development of XEN801 and wiped 44%off its stock price in premarket trading.
Xenonenrolled 165 patients with moderate-to-severe facial acne and randomized them toreceive either a gel formulation of XEN801 or placebo. After 12 weeks in which participants applied a gel to their faces each evening, investigators looked for changes against baseline. The study’s primary endpoint was the percent change in lesion count after 12 weeks. Secondary endpoints looked at lesioncounts after four and eight weeks, and the change on an investigator assessmentscale.
Managementat Xenon thought small molecule SCD1 inhibitor XEN801 could improve outcomes byreducing the size and number of sebaceous glands, but the data fell well shortof expectations. XEN801 failed to outperform placebo against the primaryefficacy endpoint. And it came up short against “key secondary efficacyendpoints.”
Faced with a clean sweep of negative efficacy endpoints, Xenon CEO Simon Pimstone,M.D., Ph.D. held his hands up and admitted it looks like the end of the linefor XEN801.
Source: Fierce Biotech
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