翻译:julia朱玉姣 来源:蒲公英
Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements
Guidance for Industry[1]
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA office responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.
This guidance describes FDA’s currentthinking on defining, establishing, anddocumenting manufacturing activitiesof the parties involved in contractdrug manufacturing subjectto current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)requirements. Inparticular, we describe how parties involved in contract drug manufacturingcan use quality agreements to delineate their manufacturing activities to ensurecompliance with CGMP.
For purposes of this guidance,we use certain terms withthe following specific meanings:
· Current Good ManufacturingPractice (CGMP) refers to requirements in the Federal Food, Drug, andCosmetic Act (FD&C Act),section 501(a)(2)(B), for all drugs and activepharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Forfinished human and animal drugs,the term includes applicable requirements under 21 CFR parts 210 and 211. Forbiologics, the term includesadditional applicable requirements under 21 CFRparts 600-680.
· CGMP:指FD&C法案第501(a)(2)(B)中对所有制剂和原料药的要求。对于人用和兽用制剂,该术语包括21CFR第210和211部分中适用的要求。对于生物制品,术语还包括21CFR第600-680部分中适用的额外要求。
· Commercial manufacturing refers to manufacturing processes that result in a drug or drugsintended to be marketed, distributed, or sold.
· 商业化生产:指准备用于上市销售的药品的生产过程。
· Commercial manufacturing does not include research and development activities, manufacturing of materialfor investigational new drug studies(e.g., clinical trials, expandedaccess), or manufacturing of material for veterinary investigational drugs. Although this guidance does not explicitly apply tothe manufacture of investigational, developmental, or clinical trial materials, FDA believes that quality agreements can be extremely valuablein delineating the activities of all parties involvedin contract research and developmentarrangements. Many of theprinciples described in this guidancecould be applied in pre-commercial stagesof the pharmaceutical life cycle.
· 商业化生产并不包括研发活动、临床新药研究用原料的生产(例如,临床试验、扩大使用面),以及兽用临床药所用原料的生产。虽然本指南并未明确指出适用于临床前、研发、和临床研究用原料,但FDA相信质量协议在描绘委托研发安排中所有各方活动时会极有价值。本指南中所述的许多原则可以使用于药品生命周期中商业化之前的阶段。
· Manufacturing includes processing, packing, holding,labeling operations, testing, and quality unit operations.
· 生产:包括加工、包装、保存、贴标操作、检测和质量部门操作。
· A manufactureris anentity that engages in CGMP activities,including implementation ofoversight and controlsover the manufacture of drugs to ensure quality[2].
· 生产商:指从事CGMP活动,包括实施药品生产监管和控制以确保质量的实体。
· Qualityunit is defined as synonymous with the term qualitycontrol unit[3].
· 质量部门:与质量控制部门是同义词。
This guidance covers commercial manufacturingof the following categoriesof drugs: human drugs,veterinary drugs, certain combination products, biological and biotechnology products, finishedproducts, APIs, drug substances, in-process materials, and drug constituentsof combinationdrug/device products[4]. This guidancedoes not cover thefollowing typesof products: Type A medicated articles and medicatedfeed, medical devices, dietarysupplements, orhuman cells, tissues, or cellular or tissue-based productsregulated solely undersection 361 of the PublicHealth Service Actand 21 CFR part 1271.
In general, FDA’s guidancedocuments do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidancesdescribe the Agency’s currentthinking on a topic and should be viewed only asrecommendations, unless specificregulatory or statutoryrequirements are cited.The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that somethingis suggested orrecommended, but not required.
[1] This guidancehas been preparedby the Office of Pharmaceutical Qualityand the Officeof Compliance in the Centerfor Drug Evaluation and Research in cooperation with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,the Center for Veterinary Medicine, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.
[2] See section 501 of the FD&C Act, as amended by the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (PublicLaw 112-144, title VII, section711).
[3] For quality controlunit, see 21 CFR 210.3.
[4] Combination product manufacturers can apply this guidance to their quality agreements because they are subjectto requirements under 21 CFR part 211 and/or21 CFR part 820 (see 21 CFR 4.3).In addition to facilitating compliance with requirements under 21 CFR part 211, manufacturers can use qualityagreements with contract facilities to demonstrate compliance, in part, with 21 CFR 820.50 (purchasing controls) andwith 21 CFR 820.80(b) (receiving acceptance activities) for combination products.
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