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发布时间: 2016-08-29     来源: 生物谷


2016年8月12日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --刊登于Journal of Biological Chemistry杂志上的一项研究报告中,来自澳洲国立大学(Australian National University)的研究人员通过研究发现了一组特殊的蛋白在血细胞产生期间可以帮助控制关键基因的表达,这或许就可以帮助科学家开发新型及改善型的癌症药物。

其中一种蛋白和乳腺癌发病直接相关,乳腺癌作为一种常见的女性癌症,每年在全世界其能够引发50多万名女性死亡,而当前的乳腺癌疗法并没有特殊靶向作用该蛋白。研究者Daniel Ryan说道,这项研究可以帮助我们解释当前的乳腺癌药物如何在机体细胞中发挥作用,如今用于治疗乳腺癌的药物非常有效,但我们并不清楚这些疗法的作用机制,这项研究中我们就发现了一组重要的蛋白质,其可以被这些药物靶向作用,或许未来就可以开发出效果更好的靶向疗法。





CHD4 Is a Peripheral Component of the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase Complex*

Jason K. K. Low‡1, Sarah R. Webb‡12, Ana P. G. Silva‡3, Hinnerk Saathoff‡3, Daniel P. Ryan§, Mario Torrado‡, Mattias Brofelth‡, Benjamin L. Parker‡, Nicholas E. Shepherd‡4 and Joel P. Mackay‡5 


Chromatin remodeling enzymes act to dynamically regulate gene accessibility. In many cases, these enzymes function as large multicomponent complexes that in general comprise a central ATP-dependent Snf2 family helicase that is decorated with a variable number of regulatory subunits. The nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex, which is essential for normal development in higher organisms, is one such macromolecular machine. The NuRD complex comprises ∼10 subunits, including the histone deacetylases 1 and 2 (HDAC1 and HDAC2), and is defined by the presence of a CHD family remodeling enzyme, most commonly CHD4 (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4). The existing paradigm holds that CHD4 acts as the central hub upon which the complex is built. We show here that this paradigm does not, in fact, hold and that CHD4 is a peripheral component of the NuRD complex. A complex lacking CHD4 that has HDAC activity can exist as a stable species. The addition of recombinant CHD4 to this nucleosome deacetylase complex reconstitutes a NuRD complex with nucleosome remodeling activity. These data contribute to our understanding of the architecture of the NuRD complex.
