翻译:JULIA 来自:Julia法规翻译
WHO Working document QAS/20.849
Points to consider on the different approaches – including HBEL – to establish carryover limits in cleaning validation for identification of contamination risks when manufacturing in shared facilities
1. Introduction and background 概述与背景 4
2. Scope 范围5
3. Glossary 术语 5
4. Traditional approach传统方法 6
5. New approaches 新方法 6
5.1 Documentation 文件记录7
5.2 Equipment 设备7
5.3 Detergents and solvents 清洁剂和溶剂 7
5.4 Sampling 取样 8
5.5 Cleanability studies 清洁能力研究8
5.6 Risk assessment and risk control 风险评估和风险控制 9
5.7 Technical and organizational controls 技术和组织控制措施 9
5.8 Health Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) setting 基于健康的暴露限度(HBEL)设置 9
5.9 Acceptance criteria 可接受标准 11
5.10 Grouping by therapeutic use 根据治疗用途分组 12
5.11 Analytical procedures 分析方法 12
5.12 Data integrity 数据完整性 13
5.13 Cleaning validation and cleaningverification 清洁验证和清洁核查 13
5.14 Visually clean 目视清洁 14
5.15 Cleaning verification and processcapability 清洁核查和工艺能力 14
5.16 Personnel 人员 14
5.17 Quality metrics and performance indicators 质量量度和性能指标 14
5.18 Life cycle 生命周期 15
References 参考文献 16
1. Introduction and background 概述与背景
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the guideline entitled Good Manufacturing Practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles in the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986, Annex 2, 2014 (1).
WHO在2014年TRS 986附录2发布了题为“药品GMP:主则”的指南。
The WHO Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practice: validation were published in 2006 and were supported by seven appendices. In 2019, the WHO Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation (2) were updated and republished. Some of the seven appendices were also individually updated between 2013 and 2019:
Appendix 1. Validation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (3).
Appendix 2. Validation of water systems for pharmaceutical use (4).
Appendix 3. Cleaning validation (5).
Appendix 4. Analytical procedure validation (6).
Appendix 5. Validation of computerized systems (7).
Appendix 6. Guidelines on qualification (8).
Appendix 7. Non-sterile process validation (9).
Appendix 3, relating to cleaning validation (5), was not updated at that time. Its revision, however, was discussed during an informal consultation held in Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2019. The outcome of the discussion was presentedto the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Products (ECSPP) meeting in October 2019. The ECSPP acknowledged the importance of harmonization in regulatory expectations with regards to cleaning validation approaches. The Expert Committee recommended a “Points to consider” document be prepared in order to describe the current approaches used in cleaning validation and highlighting the complexities involved in order to establish a common understanding. A revision of the relevant appendix would then be considered by the Expert Committee thereafter.
Many manufacturers produce products in multi-product facilities where there is arisk of contamination and cross-contamination. Some of the main principles of good manufacturing practices (GMP) include the prevention of mix-ups and the prevention of contamination and cross-contamination. It is therefore important that manufacturers identify all risks for contamination and cross-contamination and identify and implement the appropriate controls to mitigate these risks. These controls include, for example, technical and organizational measures, dedicated facilities, closed systems, cleaning and cleaning validation.
2. Scope 范围
The scope of this document is to discuss the different possible approaches –including methods that account for pharmacological and toxicological data (Health-Based Exposure Limits {HBEL}) – that could be used when establishing safe Carryover limits when manufacturing in shared facilities.
This document further provides clarification on cleaning validation and presents points to consider when reviewing the current status and approaches to cleaning validation in multiproduct facilities. It reflects the current regulatory guidance and expectations. It further focuses on approaches where HBELs setting need to be considered in cleaning and cleaning validation approaches.
The principles should be applied inmanufacturing facilities with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs).
This document should be read in conjunction with the main GMP text and supplementary texts on validation (1-10).
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